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Sparks fly outside court in Chuck Turner case

Sparks fly outside court in Chuck Turner case
By Richard Weir  |   Monday, October 25, 2010  |  http://www.bostonherald.com  |  Local Politics

Photo by Matthew Healey
The federal corruption trial of City Councilor Chuck Turner moved to the hallway outside U.S. District Court in Boston today as the star witness declared the Roxbury politician would be “crucified” by the jury.

“They’re going to kill him on perjury,” said Ron Wilburn, the FBI’s cooperating witness in the case.

“He got the money … he took the $1,000,” said Wilburn outside court. “He is gone. He is dead. They are going to crucify his (expletive).”

Then it was Turner’s turn to handicap the day’s proceedings.

“I’m innocent,” said the 70-year-old Turner, who added he will testify because he said, “I have to be accountable.”

The impromptu press conferences followed a day of grueling testimony where Wilburn was grilled about not having phone records of his alleged dealings with Turner.

Turner is accused of accepting a $1,000 bribe from Wilburn.

Turner’s attorney, Barry Wilson, also accused Wilburn of basically supporting himself with FBI pay. He earned about $30,000 as a cooperating witness.

Article URL: http://www.bostonherald.com/news/politics/view.bg?articleid=1291457

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