Cornell Mills Campaign Kick Off and Official Announcement


Cornell Mills Campaign Kick Off and Official Announcement

On Sunday, January 16th, one day after the Birthday of Dr. King and one day before the National Holiday in his honor, Cornell Mills held a gathering at his home that served as the official announcement of his campaign for District 7 City Council.

The event was well attended drawing approximately 75 people to the Mills Family’s Roxbury Home.  Mills layed out his pitch, describing his family life as a husband, father, brother and son as well as his upbringing dedicated to community service and the many situations along the way which have shaped and prepared him for this campaign.  There was a heavy focus on experience during the presentation, detailing Mills positions as a Business Owner, Home Owner, Foreclosure Prevention specialist, former Homicide Investigator for the DA’s office as well as his over 15 years of political experience having worked on numerous campaigns.

Cornell was introduced by his wife Stephanie Soriano-Mills, herself an accomplished Attorney, flanked by several of their children who were well behaved and engaged throughout, helping to collect sign in sheets and pass out literature.  After Cornell spoke, we heard introductions of various team members and then we heard from Mills’ Mother, Senator Dianne Wilkerson.  Senator Wilkerson offered some perspective on what is at stake and what will be required to achieve this goal.  We also heard brief remarks from newly elected State Rep. Carlos Henriquez who recalled his former bids for election in District 7.  The event opened with prayer from Minister Pam and closed with prayer (and an impromptu pep rally) from Rev. Chris Womack.

Everyone in attendance had a good time, got better informed about Mills’ Campaign, heard some rousing words and received their marching orders. These next weeks until the Feb. 15th Primary Election will be the true test as all campaigns will have their teams in the field criss-crossing the district.

Editor’s Note:
The crowd promptly dispersed as many in attendance were anxious to get home to see the much anticipated Patriots game versus the NY Jets. In hindsight I bet people would have stuck around to chit chat more if they knew in advance the outcome of the game. But then again if you knew the outcomes of games in advance you would probably have bigger fish to fry. 😉
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