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Maine Gov. to critics of MLK no-shows: 'Kiss my butt'

Gov. to critics of MLK no-shows: ‘Kiss my butt’

By Clarke Canfield
Associated Press / January 14, 2011

PORTLAND, Maine—Maine’s governor told critics Friday to “kiss my butt” over his decision not to attend the state NAACP’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebrations over the holiday weekend.

Gov. Paul LePage declined the organization’s invitations to a dinner in Portland on Sunday night and a breakfast in Orono on Monday because of prior commitments.

The NAACP’s state director said the group felt it was being neglected by the new governor, who was elected in November. The head of a Portland immigration group said it appeared the governor’s decision was part of a pattern.

When asked by a reporter Friday to respond, LePage said: “Tell them to kiss my butt.”


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