October 17, 2024

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Kill Whitey?!?! – Whitey Bulger Caught

Now that they have finally caught Whitey,
Will the Government Kill Whitey?

Whitey Bulger

Editors Note: The Blackstonian would like to take this rare opportunity to use the word Whitey as much as possible. Much like newscasters get to smirk when they are covering a story which uses the “N-Word” I would like to thank Whitey for providing us with an opportunity such as this.

He is the stuff of legends.  Subject of the Hollywood Movie “Departed”, focus of multiple books and hundreds of articles across the country, many written by Boston Columnist/Radio Personality Howie Carr;  Famed Irish Mob Boss Whitey Bulger, brother of William “Billy” Bulger (who was once one of the most powerful politicians on the Boston scene) finally ran out of luck.  Now at 81 yrs of age the FBI caught him in Santa Monica California at a modest home in a normal neighborhood.  Whitey topped the FBI’s Most Wanted list until 9/11 when he was bumped by Osama Bin Laden.  Found with $800,000 in cash and more guns than any senior citizen needs, his arrest has sent shockwaves throughout Local and National media.

After 16 yrs on the run, with 19 bodies hanging over his head and families who have long waited for justice, the questions begin.

What does Whitey know?

People are already anticipating information flowing freely from Whitey. Families want answers as to their missing loved ones. The People want answers as to how deep the corruption in the FBI and Boston Police goes.  Some others are hoping Whitey will shed some light on the now infamous 1990 Half-Billion Art Heist from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.

With Whitey now scheduled to arrive in Boston today at 4pm to face his charges, we will soon find out if Whitey will spill the beans or keep his lips sealed and head off for his final days in Federal Prison.  There are several other states who also want Whitey to stand trial for crimes committed in their states. Florida and Oklahoma both want their shot at prosecuting Whitey, which if it happens could result in far stiffer punishment. Both Florida and Oklahoma are Death Penalty states. So now the question arises: Will the Government Kill Whitey?

If you would like your very own Kill Whitey T-Shirt check out our store…

About The Author

The Blackstonian Community News Service - Black Boston 411 24/7. @Blackstonian on twitter. Like our page on Facebook.

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  1. chill breeze martinez

    har de har har. you so funny! eight hundred grand still can’t buy a stick to whack the ugly off his face. if i was as homely as this cracker i’d probably go on a killing spree too. the fbi is so fucked up they’ll probably put him in witness relocation once he starts testifying against himself.