From: http://blackstudents.blacknews.com/
also circulated by Lorraine Fowlkes “The Network”
and Bertram Alleyne “METCO Alumni Association”
Top 2011 Scholarships For Black Students: |
AARP Foundation Women’s Scholarship ProgramFor women 40+ seeking new job skills, training and educational opportunities to support themselves.
Academic Competitiveness GrantFor first-year and second-year college students who graduated from high school.
Actuarial Diversity ScholarshipFor minority students pursuing a degree that may lead to a career in the actuarial profession.
Akash Kuruvilla Memorial Scholarship FundFor students who demonstrate excellence in leadership, diversity, integrity and academia.
American Copy Editors Society ScholarshipAvailable to junior, senior and graduate students who will take full-time copy editing jobs or internships.
AORN Foundation ScholarshipFor students studying to be nurses and perioperative nurses pursuing undergrad and grad degrees.
Automotive Hall of Fame ScholarshipFor students who indicate a sincere interest in an automotive related career.
AWG Minority Scholarship For WomenEncourages young minority women to pursue an education and later a career in the geosciences.
AXA Achievements ScholarshipProvides more than $600K in annual scholarships to 52 students – one from each state.
Beacon Partners Healthcare IT ScholarshipsAwarded to a student pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in the IT Healthcare field.
Best Buy ScholarshipFor students in grades 9-12 who plan to enter a full-time undergraduate program upon high school graduation.
Burger King Scholars ProgramFor high school seniors who have part-time jobs and excel academically in school.
CIA Undergraduate Scholarship ProgramDeveloped to assist minority and disabled students, but open to all who meet the requirements.
Coca-Cola Scholars ProgramFour-year achievement-based scholarships given to 250 high school seniors each year.
Davidson Fellows ScholarshipRecognizes and awards the extraordinary who excel in math, science, and technology.
Davis-Putter Scholarship FundNeed-based scholarships for college students are part of the progressive movement in their community. Dell Scholars ProgramFor students who demonstrate a desire and ability to overcome barriers and achieve their goals.
Development Fund For Black Students in Science and TechnologyFor students studying science or technology at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
Discovery ScholarshipAnnual scholarship for high school juniors to support continued education and training beyond high school.
Ed Bradley/ Ken Kashiwahara ScholarshipsOpen to full-time students who are pursuing careers in radio and television news.
EMPOWER Scholarship AwardDesigned to increase diversity in the medical rehabilitation field by awarding students of color.
ESA Foundation Computer and Video Game Scholarship ProgramFor minority and female students majoring in a field related to computer and video game arts.
Fulbright Scholar ProgramSends faculty and professionals abroad each year to lecture and conduct research.
Future Engineers Scholarship ProgramFor students pursuing a career in engineering who shows outstanding academic performance.
Gates Millenium ScholarshipFunded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; established to help low income minority students.
Go On Girl Book Club ScholarshipSupports authors of the Black African Diaspora who wan to write their way to college money.
Google Anita Borg ScholarshipFor women who excel in computing and technology, and are active role models and leaders.
Hallie Q. Brown ScholarshipFor African American women who have a minimum C average, and can demonstrate financial need.
HBCU Study Abroad ScholarshipProvides travel opportunities for students of color who are traditionally under-represented in such programs.
Jacob K. Javits Fellowship ProgramProvides fellowships to students who excel in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
Javits-Frasier Teacher Scholarship FundTo increase diverse students’ access to talent development opportunities through teacher training.
Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship FundFor low-income women who have a vision of how their education will benefit themselves and their community.
Joe Francis Haircare ScholarshipFor cosmetology and barber school students who can demonstrate a financial need.
KFC Colonel’s Scholars ProgramFor college-bound students who can demonstrate financial need, and have a GPA of at least 2.75.
Lincoln Forum Scholarship Essay ContestA writing contest pertaining to the life and times of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War era.
M Ronald Reagan College Leaders ScholarshipSeeks to recognize outstanding young people who are promoting American values on college campuses.
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