What the Media doesn't want you to know about… Successful Black Community Gatherings

Blackstonian Exclusive

The Media “Black Out”
Good News is No News

While the media in Boston is eager to cover any and all instances of death and destruction in our community, they seem equally eager to ignore events in our community which are positive and peaceful.  We have all heard the sentiment “They won’t tell about anything good in our community” and in this case in 2011 they have provided us with a major example of such lack of interest when our community puts our best foot forward.

I am calling on the community of Black Bostonians, “Blackstonians” to send in photos of these events so we can tell OUR OWN story. Send photos to: blackstonian@verizon.net

The media in Boston cannot simply tell one side of the story or provide their interpretation of our community.
Particularly when the events are just too big to ignore.

Saturday June 18th 2011
Juneteenth – Roxbury Homecoming
Franklin Park
estimated crowd 8,000

For years this event has gone on and brought together people from as far away as California to return home to Boston for what has become a Mega-Family Reunion with hundreds of Families and one day in Boston where everybody is Family. Never has there been so much as a fist fight. This is the single most beautiful day in the Black Community where babies, children, teenagers, 20 somethings, 30 and ups all the way to seniors of 90 + are all in attendance listening to music, reminiscing and eating good food. Some people would say, well there is no trouble there because the “Thugs” don’t attend. Not true. Rather you can see people from every “Hood” in Boston who on this one day forget about all drama. This shows us a shining example that peace is possible.

Sunday June 19th 2011
Father’s Day Cookout
Malcolm X Park
estimated crowd 2,000

Brought to you by “The X Men” The Father’s Day cookout in Malcolm X Park has been going strong for 10 years.  It has been a blessing to watch a group of men from the Hood who have given back consistently with no fanfare, no thanks and little to no outside support. This is truly a For Us By Us event. Throughout the year these brothers dedicate themselves as coaches and mentors working with children from our community from all walks of life. This year I watched as they handed out at least 20 scholarships to schools ranging from North Carolina State to Yale University.  Once again, this community event is violence and drama free. In my several years of attending the only negative incident I have ever seen was caused by the Boston Police who chased a teen through the park spraying pepper spray which hit an infant, an elder and a single mother.  This event is one that everyone should not only attend but support! Contribute to the scholarships and donate food and money.

Other Noteworthy Events that took place over the Juneteenth/Father’s Day Weekend were

Friday, June 17th 6/17
617 Day
brought to you by the folks at Six One Seven Live
A celebration of the Boston scene including Hip-Hop and more!!!
In the house was a who’s who of Boston
Edo G., Twice Thou, Cool Gzus, Takeitha, D.L., Terryl Calloway and many more!!!

Sunday, June 19th
The Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists
300 Walnut Ave.
also held a Juneteenth celebration with Art, Music, Poetry and more!!!
Hosted at the museum by Community Arts Elder
Edmund Barry Gaithe

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