Cops: Dorchester man fires shot after driveway dispute

Cops: Dorchester man fires shot after driveway dispute

By Marie Szaniszlo  |   Monday, July 18, 2011  | |  Local Coverage

A 32-year-old Dorchester man was arrested yesterday after he allegedly fired a shot at his neighbor in a dispute over a blocked driveway, police said.

A man approached officers near the corner of Bowdoin Street and Hamilton Street about 10 a.m. and told them his neighbor, Charles Johnson, became angry when the man asked him to move his car from his Olney Street driveway, police said.

Johnson allegedly went into his home, retrieved a gun and came back outside, punching his neighbor in the face and firing a single, errant shot before taking off in a gold Honda Accord, police said.

Officers stopped him shortly afterward and charged him with assault with intent to murder, assault by means of a dangerous weapon, discharging a firearm within 500 feet of a dwelling, unlawful possession of a firearm and operating a motor vehicle after suspension, police said.

The shooting occurred only doors away from a June 29 one that left 38-year-old Nicholas Trotman dead. No arrests were made in that incident.

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