Cops: NRA guy’s a pizza work; pulls gun on delivery man

Cops: NRA guy’s a pizza work

By Laurel J. Sweet  |   Monday, July 4, 2011  | |  Local Coverage

A purported firearms instructor for the National Rifle Association pulled a handgun on a pizza deliveryman and ordered him to, “Stay out of my neighborhood” after objecting to the frightened pie guy’s driving style, Boston police said.

The 30-year-old driver for DeNo’s Pizza and Subs quit his job after Friday night’s alleged scrape, an employee of the restaurant told the Herald yesterday.

“I can’t say I blame him,” the co-worker said.

Robert Michael MacCormack, 32, of West Roxbury, whose occupation on his arrest report states “NRA instructor,” is expected to be arraigned tomorrow in West Roxbury District Court on a charge of assault by means of a dangerous weapon.

For the public’s safety, police said they seized from the apartment of MacCormack’s girlfriend a DPMS Panther Arms AR-15 rifle, a .380-caliber Lorcin pistol, a 9mm Luger and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. MacCormack is licensed to carry firearms, they said.

None of the weapons was properly secured, police said.

MacCormack first told officers the handguns were in a lockbox. He later told them they would be found in a bedroom nightstand, police said.

Neither MacCormack nor his girlfriend could be reached for comment yesterday.

The confrontation is alleged to have begun just after 8 p.m. as the deliveryman was en route to a customer on Perham Street in West Roxbury.

He told officers that as he was turning onto Pender Street from LaGrange, he caught the eye of a man “staring” at him from the street.

The same man, he said, later pulled up next to him in a car and asked, “Why are you driving through my neighborhood like that? There are kids in my neighborhood.”

The deliveryman told police he responded, “I have five kids of my own. Driving like what? I don’t mess with kids’ safety.”

The driver said the man police identified as MacCormack then began shouting at him to “Stay out!” as he brandished a handgun at him.

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