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State official criticizes police response; Rep. tweets about tense traffic stop

State official criticizes police response

Representative tweets about tense traffic stop

Rep. Carlos Henriquez
State Representative Carlos Henriquez questioned why so many officers were needed to respond when the car was missing a front plate.

By Michael Levenson Globe Staff / July 6, 2011

A state representative got into a heated exchange with Boston police officers Monday after they stopped the car he was riding in for not having a front license plate.

But police say they acted appropriately, and, when they checked the car’s license plate number, they discovered that the car’s owner was wanted for felony assault.

Police said the owner is the driver’s roommate and was not in the vehicle at the time. They did not release the man’s name.

The state representative, Carlos Henriquez, said he does not know the owner and was not aware that the man had an outstanding warrant.

The traffic stop happened shortly after 5 p.m. in front of Henriquez’s house on Judson Street in Roxbury.



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