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Urban League chief: Wealth gap a ‘wake-up call’

Urban League chief: Wealth gap a ‘wake-up call’
Marc Morial

By Associated Press  |   Tuesday, July 26, 2011  |  http://www.bostonherald.com |  Local Coverage

BOSTON — National Urban League President and CEO Marc Morial says the widening wealth gap between whites and minorities has wiped out gains made over that last 30 years and could foreshadow even more inequality if something isn’t done to address it.

Morial told the Associated Press on Tuesday that new census data analyzed by the Pew Research Center shows that blacks and Latinos have especially been hit hard by the economic meltdown. He says the report is a “wake-up call” that those communities need more investments for long-term job creation.

The National Urban League is set to begin its annual convention on Wednesday in Boston. The convention focus will be on jobs.

Among the invited speakers are Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates.

Article URL: http://www.bostonherald.com/news/regional/view.bg?articleid=1354237


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