January 18, 2025

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Economic Justice Funding Circle seeks a Boston Jobs Campaign Coordinator.

Economic Justice Funding Circle (EJFC) seeks an experienced community organizer and campaign manager for the position of Boston Jobs Campaign Coordinator. The BJC Coordinator will play a critical role in advancing a citywide movement that builds accountability from government, private developers and contractors to ensure that construction and permanent jobs linked to development projects are accessible to Boston residents, people of color and women. BJC Coordinator is a half-time position (20 hours a week). The position may be combined with a part-time position to support an organizing initiative with the Boston Worker Alliance.

The Boston Jobs Campaign will be a multi-year organizing campaign based on the following goals:

Organize for our communities to secure job and contracting opportunities based on the objectives that 51% of total construction work hours be performed by Boston residents, 51% by people of color, and 15% by women.
Organize to secure and monitor hiring agreements for permanent jobs linked to these projects.
Strengthen agreements between communities of color and unions.
Contribute to a citywide narrative focused on the rights of Boston residents, especially workers, immigrants, and people of color to remain in the City, share its wealth, and have a voice in decision-making.
Establish working partnerships and a unified voice among communities of color.
Utilize the campaign as an opportunity for community groups to expand their base and leadership core
Full posting attached.

Boston Jobs Campaign Coordinator – Job Description (PDF)

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The Blackstonian Community News Service - Black Boston 411 24/7. @Blackstonian on twitter. Like our page on Facebook.

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