Vigil Against Anti-Immigrant Bill SB2061: Don’t Let MA Become the Next AZ

Vigil Against the Anti-Immigrant Bill SB2061: “Don’t Let Massachusetts Becomes the Next Arizona”

SB 2061 is a bill currently under review in the Massachusetts State House that seeks to criminalize and deny essential Services to Immigrants families. The bill lead Sponsor, Senator Richard Moore an “Act to Enhance Community Safety”.

The Bill will:
1-Legalize racial Profiling and encourage community division
2-Undermine Community safety
3-Criminalize Immigrants Workers
4- Ban families from accessing public housing
5-Deny equal access to higher education

The bill ischeduled to stay in the Judiciary Committee until March 21st waiting for member of the panel to make their recommendations and to endorse it. Mass Hope 2012 is asking the immigrant community of Massachusetts and Allies to show opposition to this racist bill on March 20 outside the MA Senate and participate with us of a night of resistance.

March 20-12

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