Digital Media and Broadcasting Internship

Digital Media and Broadcasting Internship
The Pulse Network
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Where: Canton, MA
Deadline: rolling basis

Internships at The Pulse Network (TPN) are offered to high school, college and graduate students and others who are interested in learning about a career in digital media and broadcasting. A pioneer in Enterprise Social TV and content automation, The Pulse creates daily live sports, business, marketing and technology programming for the web, and works to help brands like IBM, Kaspersky, and Kodak create unique content, bring their events to life, and grow their communities through video and social media.
The opportunity:
• Learn how a digital media company is run
• Participate in the full lifecycle of content creation, syndication and analysis
• Assist in all aspects of daily Pulse programming and content creation as well as content distribution throughout all mediums and social media channels
Qualifications Include:
• Social media interest/experience – you must be proficient at using, searching and deciphering Twitter, Facebook and other forms of Social Media and the conversations that are occurring in the space!
• A great attitude, the ability to work in a fast paced environment, good communication skills, and willingness to “Think on your Feet”
• Characteristics: Hard-working, fun, down-to-earth, analytical
Sample Responsibilities:
• Assist producers and hosts in content planning of daily live TPN programming
• Research facts and information, gather production elements for TPN content
• Screen Skype or phone calls during live shoots
• Add on-demand content to The Pulse Network website
• Assist photographer, producer or host in gathering interviews and/or covering events
• Assist in calling and booking guests
• Monitor and report on social media trends, and interact on TPN Social Channels
• Various other duties

Please contact:
Tyler Pyburn
Twitter: @typyburn
Phil DiMartino
Twitter: @phildimartino

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