How to Craft a Compelling LinkedIn Profile

By Joshua Waldman (Simply Hired)

If you still are not convinced that hiring managers are utilizing social media in their recruitment strategies – it is time you get your head out of the clouds and face reality.

Ninety-one percent of employers are using social media to screen prospective employees. As for social recruiting, another study shows that 93 percent of organizations are actively using social media in their hiring strategies.

Even if you are wary or reluctant to turn all of your social media profiles professional, there is one you should focus on perfecting. To get ahead in your career, it makes sense to commit to leveraging the largest professional online network. LinkedIn is the most used by recruiters and what is presented to them on your profile can qualify (and even disqualify) you for an open position.

Your ability to stand out is based upon the content and appearance of your LinkedIn profile. You can make your profile worthy of an interview by spending time mastering each of the following:

Answer an employer’s questions. Determining what to include and what to disregard on your LinkedIn profile can be simplified by providing answers to the questions employers are seeking. Be sure to address the questions below in your profile content:

Who are you? Be sure to state loud and clear who you are and what your current role is. Are you a recent college graduate seeking employment in marketing? Or are you a seasoned consulting professional in the HR space? Include important keywords related to your area of expertise.
What motivates you? As much as you want to match an employer’s needs, never lose sight of what it is that you want to do. Share with your network your interests and what excites you in your professional world. Let your enthusiasm be known.
What are you capable of on the job? Take the time to jot down all the job accomplishments you’ve had and make special note of those that make you stand out. Think about how you help the organization you work for (or how you can help a future organization) and share with them your unique skills.

Once you have successfully brainstormed the answers to the important questions above, you can now begin to relay your message by crafting specific pieces of your LinkedIn profile. Consider the following tips you may not have heard before in order to construct a compelling page:

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