Holyoke Public Schools – System Wide

Job Description
To provide each enrolled student of secondary school age an opportunity to participate in extracurricular athletic activity that will foster physical skills, a sense of worth competence, a knowledge and understanding of the pleasures of sport, and the principles of fair play.

1. Organizes and administers the overall program of extracurricular athletics, both intramural and interscholastic, for the Holyoke Public Schools.
2. Provides leadership in the selection, assignments, and evaluation of athletic coaches and staff members.
3. Fosters good school-community relations by keeping the community aware of and responsible to the athletic program.
4. Assumes responsibility for the organization and scheduling of all interscholastic athletic events.
5. Hires, officials, team physicians, and policeman as required, and assumes general responsibility for the proper supervision of home games.
6. Arranges transportation for athletic contest participants.
7. Arranges provision for meals for athletes and coaches for away games as needed.
8. Develops and places into operation appropriate rules and regulations governing the conduct of athletic activities.
9. Evaluates all coaches annually utilizing an evaluation instrument approved by the Holyoke School Committee and Holyoke Teachers Association.
10. Establishes the physical and academic requirements of eligibility for participation in each sport and verifies each athlete’s eligibility.
11. Prepares and administers the athletic program budget.
12. Requisitions program supplies and equipment.
13. Supervises all ticket sales and fund-raising events of athletic program, and assumes responsibility for proper handling of funds.
14. Arranges all details of visiting teams’ needs, including lodging, meals, towels, gymnasium services, and field assistance, as appropriate.
15. Arranges field and gym practice schedules.
16. Provides for the physical examination of all athletes prior to the beginning of each season.
17. Coordinates the insurance programs covering school athletes, and acts as liaison in processing of reports and claims.
18. Keeps records of the results of all senior high school athletic contests, and maintains a record file of all award winners, stating the date and type of award, including athletic scholarships.
19. Directs an in-school, extracurricular program designed to foster support for the athletic teams and school spirit among non-participants.
20. Plans and supervises an annual recognition program for school athletes.

Position Type: Full-time
Positions Available: 1

Equal Opportunity Employer
Holyoke Public Schools is committed to maintaining a work and learning environment free from discrimination on the basis of a person’s race, color, religion, sexual orientation, national Origin, ancestry, age, sex, genetic information, military or veteran status, gender identity or disability, as defined and required by state and federal laws. Additionally, we prohibit retaliation against individuals who oppose such discrimination and harassment or who participate in an equal opportunity investigation.

Job Requirements
1. Master’s Degree
2. Massachusetts’ Physical Education Certification
3. Proven experience in organizing and scheduling competitive athletic programs
4. Demonstrated knowledge of the M.I.A.A. rules, policies & procedures
5. Demonstrated ability to train and supervise coaches and staff

REPORTS TO: High School Principal
SUPERVISES: Coaches and Athletic Department
SALARY: According to Contract
At least 1 year of relevant experience preferred
Citizenship, residency or work VISA in United States required

Application Questions
This employer has requested that all applicants answer the following questions. It is highly recommended that you type any essays in a word processing program, save them, and then paste them on the proceeding job application page.

1.     Why are you interested in this position?
Short Essay (Answer limited to 600 characters, including spaces)

2.     Please specify additional skills and/or training you might have that will be a contributing factor/s in enhancing your performance in this position.
Short Essay (Answer limited to 600 characters, including spaces)

Contact Information
David Lawrence
57 Suffolk Street
Holyoke, Massachusetts 01040
Phone: 413-534-2000

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