February 18, 2025

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Blackstonian introduces U-Report


Blackstonian introduces U-Report

At the Blackstonian, we are always thinking of new ways to engage our community and provide opportunities for you to get involved.
Enter “U-Report” this is your chance to make and report the news like only you can.
If you see something happening in our community; a fire, car accident, good deed, community meeting, etc. Please capture the moment with your own recording device such as; phone, camera, video camera, audio recorder and send us the audio, photos or videos!!
We accept AUDIO (MP3), PHOTOS (JPG) and VIDEO (MP4, WMV, MOV, YouTube)
Please send your contact information as well as how you would like to be credited, or if you would like to remain anonymous.
Send to: blackstonian.com@gmail.com  

From time to time we will issue out a U-Report challenge other than that it’s all up to you and your creativity and curiosity.
A U-Report challenge may be something like if we have a storm coming in, who has the best storm photos?? or if its the Carnival, who has the best Carnival footage??
1) PLEASE. ABOVE ALL ELSE. Make sure you are SAFE. Example: Don’t get burned trying to get a close up of a fire or don’t get beat up or arrested trying to get a video of police misconduct.  Remain a safe distance from whatever is going on and always be respectful and calm, do not instigate situations or insert yourself into the middle.
2) DO NOT SEND ANYTHING WITH IMPROPER MATERIAL.  Use your common sense, submissions must be suitable for a wide range of ages or we will simply not run it.  Example: A community meeting gets heated and someone uses a single random curse word = OK. You send video of yourself rapping on a corner and every other word is a profanity = FAIL.
3) Please make sure and send your contact info and how you will like to be credited.
Timothy Johnson 617-555-1212 cell tjohnson@myemail.com credit: TJohnson Photography & Video
You retain all rights to your audio, video, photos and will be properly credited.
Blackstonian reserves the right to accept or refuse any submission based on our sole discretion.

About The Author

The Blackstonian Community News Service - Black Boston 411 24/7. @Blackstonian on twitter. Like our page on Facebook.

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