R.I.P. – John E. Barbour, jr.

As you may know, John E. Barbour, Jr. unexpectedly passed away on Friday May 3rd.  John was the Project RIGHT, Inc.’s Board President and led the Intervale St./ Normandy St. Residents Association.  John was instrumental in the Lilla Frederick Pilot Middle School Building Design process, monitored the school’s construction hiring compliance with the Boston Residents Jobs Policy, ensured that the quality of the construction of the school building met appropriate standards, participated in the submission of the Frederick’s pilot school application and was on its Board of Directors.  John was also heavily involved with the Quincy Geneva Housing Corporation and was instrumental in the Quincy Heights construction project that is funded by the HUD Choice Neighborhood Grant.

John’s father is John E. Barbour, Sr. who is well known as an accomplished artist.  Among John’s sons is Andre who has significantly provided support to Project RIGHT, Inc.’s prevention activities (Mike’s and Al’s Basketball League).

The arrangements have been finalized. The flower arrangements may be sent to Dolan Funeral Home, 1140 Washington Street, Boston Ma 02124.

On Saturday May 11th, 2013, the viewing of the body will begin at 10am (St. John Missionary Baptist Church), followed by the funeral service at 11am at St. John Missionary Baptist Church, 230 Warren St., Roxbury, MA.  Burial will be at Mt. Hope Cemetary.

The repass is scheduled for 2:30pm at William E Reed Auditorium (Prince Hall). Please get this information out as soon as possible.

The above information was distributed by Michael Kozu, PRI Community Coordinator (617.541.5451.x102 or m_kozu [at] hotmail.com).

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