Know Thyself: 6 week educational detoxification for Black boys (14-18)

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THE BOSTON SOCIETY OF VULCANS, FACING LOVE and members of OMEGA PSI PHI Fraternity Inc. are conducting a 6-week intensive educational detox for Black Males ages 14-18 beginning SATURDAY JULY 7TH at the John A. Shelburne Center in Roxbury @ 10:30am.

If you know of ANY students, friends, family members, acquaintances whom you wish to get a foundation on becoming a TRUE black man of consequence for our women, our families, our communities and our people, I’m asking you…GIVE THEM TO US! We will provide food and weekly giveaways.

I must ask for a couple more things: Your blessings, your understanding, your tolerance and your trust…because we are going to be going HARD at these boys. They will undoubtedly be exposed to information, ideas, perspectives, pressure and language that will cause some discomfort…as it will hasten their transition from CUBS to LOIN. They will be alright. BETTER than alright!

We will be taking a maximum of 20 boys.

To register and for more info, please contact Salih Rowe at

Know Thyself


Know Thyself

JULY 7 – AUGUST 17, 2013
@ Shelburne Community Center
2730 Washington St. Roxbury 02119

A 6-week educational detoxification process for Black high school boys (age 14-18).
This is a SOCIETAL and CULTURAL course.
Religion is not a major focus.

“Education is the Key” must be taken out of the realm of self-appeasing cliche..and activated into a potent and relevant program specifically designed to edify the Black student. Knowing what kind of education one is receiving, as well as it’s origin and objective, is as important as receiving ANY education at all!

*no class 8/3/13

Week 1: The Fundamental Questions
Week 2: To Hip-Hop or not to Hip-Hop
Week 3: Facing Love I
Week 4: Facing Love II
Week 5: Hidden Colors
Week 6: Hidden Colors II

“Christopher Columbus and the African Holocaust”
– John Henrik Clarke

“They Came Before Columbus”
– Ivan Van Sertima

“Psycho-Academic Holocaust against Black Boys”
-Umar Abdullah Johnson

Hidden Colors I (DVD)
Hidden Colors II (DVD)


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