Elma Lewis Playhouse in the Park – Last Shows of the Season 7/30

Playhouse Evening Show Featuring Intense City

Tuesday, Jul. 30 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

| Free!

Tuesday, July 30th at 6pm

The Playhouse is back home at the Playstead for this performance (no longer at Shattuck).Click here for directions. 

Intense City is a newcommer to the Playhouse this year and we know they will put on a great show to end the Playhouse season. Lets welcome them with a big audience! They will be playing all your favorite hits and are sure to get you dancing. Bring a picnic and lawnchair for a perfect night in the park. Tell all your family and friends!


Playhouse Morning Show Featuring OrigiNation and Boston Rhythm Riders

Tuesday, Jul. 30 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

| Free!

Tuesday, July 30th at 11am

The Playhouse stage will be home by the Playstead for this performance. Click here for directions. 

Are you ready for dance, music, and fun? Start your morning with our emcee, Shaumba, and OrigiNation and the Boston Rhythm Riders. The show will be full of line dancing, choreographed dance-along routines, and live performances for all ages. You don’t want to miss out on this show.

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