Blackstonian picks for Boston City Council, 12th Suffolk, 5th Congressional

Blackstonian picks for Boston City Council, 12th Suffolk, 5th Congressional

NOTE: These are NOT endorsements, this list represents those people who we feel are worth your consideration. Ultimately, the choice of who to vote for rests solely with you. The Blackstonian is suggesting that you pay close attention to these people and do your own research and due diligence. These are the people that we have identified as those you should give the chance to earn your support and vote.

The only race we feel comfortable in endorsing is that of the 5th Congressional, where current Sen. William Brownsberger is running to fill the seat left vacant by Ed Markey. Our logic is this: The Black/Latino community supported Ed Markey with little to no proof and lackluster efforts to reach our community. If we went that hard for the Markey campaign that provided us with only superficial rhetoric, then it would make sense for us to support the candidacy of Brownsberger who has shown himself to be a man of integrity and closely matched with our ideals.  Brownsberger, when he was State Rep. was one of the lone white politicians who supported us courageously during our efforts to stop the 3 Strikes Law in MA. In these efforts and others in our opportunities to interact with Brownsberger and his staff, both as State Rep. and currently as Senator, I can say hands down that Brownsberger is the most transparent, down to earth, principled, accessible, responsive we’ve ever encountered Black, White or Purple.



Pressley Ayanna S. Pressley

(Incumbent At-Large Councillor)

Wu Michelle Wu
Flaherty Michael F. Flaherty
Conroy Christopher J. Conroy


Lee Suzanne Lee


Yancey Charles C. Yancey

(Incumbent D4 Councillor & Candidate for Mayor)

Williams Terrance J. Williams


(To replace Rob Consalvo)
Sanon Jean-Claude Sanon
Callender Ava D. Callender


(To replace Mike Ross)
Zakim Josh Zakim
Murray Gloria Murray


(To replace Linda Dorcena-Forry)

Special Primary Aug. 13

General Election Sep. 10

Everett Stephanie Everett



(To replace Ed Markey)

Special Primary Oct. 15

General Election Dec. 10

Brownsberger Will Brownsberger

(Current Senator 2nd Suffolk & Middlesex, Former State Rep. 24th Middlesex)

5 thoughts on “Blackstonian picks for Boston City Council, 12th Suffolk, 5th Congressional”

  1. Is this the Boston Herald?

    Michael Flaherty???!!!! Did someone hack into your website? Say it ain’t so Jamarhl. Wow.

    And Ayanna Pressley interesting didn’t she vote to remove Chuck Turner? Has she apologized for that yet? I’m almost positive this site has been hacked. I thought you were the guy who was holding our leaders accountable for that? Or is it just the Latino guy?? Shame.

    Michael Flaherty??!!!! Wtf southies own. You have lost the way. He is a Dan Conley type often used his power as Council President against Chuck Turney, Charles Yancey and Felix Arroyo Sr. Chuck Turner even accused him of practicing institutional racism. Wow.

    Haven’t heard much about Wu because she hasn’t done much at all. what reason do you think we should consider her?? Her resume reads like this “graduated Harvard law, helped Elizabeth Warren run for office, interned with the mayor, now I’m running for office.” Do something first!!

    Only one I agree with here is Christopher Conroy unlike Flaherty he’s a white boy that’s not afraid to work for the betterment ALL communities.

  2. Your vendetta against Hispanics continues.

    First you’ve taken on this weird battle against Felix Arroyo now you don’t ask people to consider one Hispanic candidate for office. Hmmm. Divide and conquer much. Really. Not one.

  3. When all is said and done, Cullinane ran a positive and clean race for the 12th Suffolk Democratic nomination. Many of us at the polls on Tuesday were stunned to hear blatant and unabashed racism from those campaigning for his opponents. Racist tactics are nothing new in politics, but when the younger generation of progressive politicians step up, after fighting racism around them because they believe in their soul it was wrong on their street and wrong everywhere, it’s especially ugly to see it used by haters who just see a cheap opportunity to overcome the laziness and incompetence on the part of the women running in the 12th Suffolk race this year.

    Make no mistake about it, telling voters entering the polls that they should “Vote for one of your own” or “Vote for your people” is unambiguous racism.

    This is a district much different that the one it was 20 years ago. Under the leadership of Tom Finneran and Linda Dorcena Forry, this district has become a low-crime, comfortable property value, friendly to small business place in which people want to raise their families.

    Turning it into someplace where divisions are fostered to give a single person an advantage at the expense of everyone else in the district is disgusting. Especially when “everyone else” are the people the person is proposing to represent.

    This district was not created as a majority-minority district to give hopeful candidates of color an easier road to elected office. It was created so that the many, many educated and savvy voters of color of the district could choose a representative that they believe would best look after their interests.

    There was no trickery or magic in Cullinane’s win, it was the 80% majority (voters of color) that decided Cullinane was the best person for the job and would best represent them. Cullinane won almost every single precinct in Mattapan handily.

    The bigotry and cheap tricks of Cullinane’s opponents in the race, rather than raising money and running a real campaign, is a true insult to the voters of the 12th Suffolk.

    The people and organizations that endorsed either one of the women who were decisively defeated Tuesday, should hold them accountable for such despicable antics.

  4. As a resident in the 5th District I would like people to consider Mimi Turchinetz as a highly qualified, seasoned
    candidate for the District 5 City Council spot in replacing Rob Consalvo, the current City Councillor.
    Mimi is a former Assistant District Attorney, Community Advocate, born in Hyde Park to immigrant parents, worked
    as Staff Counsel on the Insurance Committee of the State Senate, worked in the Boston Housing Authority and
    helped to implement the Living Wage Ordinance to ensure good paying jobs for working people.
    Full disclosure, as an African American woman,wife and mother,long-time voter and Boston resident and a member of
    the media, I weighed the choices of the 8 Candidates in District 5. I have also been at many mayoral forums,
    community mtgs, and interviewed some candidates as well. Frankly, there are a lot of people running for different
    offices and a lot of elections and special elections. The City Councillor position is a 2 year opportunity to get things
    done. I want someone who can do that and knows what they are doing on day one.
    Ava Callendar is a young, up and coming sister, who has the benefit of being former State Representative Willie Mae
    Allen’s Granddaughter and a member of EMERGE which is an organization developed to put more women into
    elected office and I love the fact that she is a 25 year old life-long resident who wants to give back to her community
    and is a sister, Love it! However, I believe that right now she may lack the actual experience and ability to hit the
    ground running, at this time, to represent the 5th District as strongly as its needs considering the depth and severity
    of the issues facing our community.
    Jean Claude Sanon as a Reporter on Haitian Radio, experience in business and second time candidate who could
    possibly represent a strong segment of the population in the District, I’m sure has the opportunity to be informed
    about community issues but he doesn’t seem to have a track record of demonstrated effectiveness in leadership of
    such a diverse environment or organizations, nor the demonstrated ability to form a strong coalition across the
    different neighborhoods in the District.
    I have witnessed Mimi in action among almost every different constituency and neighborhood in District 5, meeting,
    campaigning and listening to what people want and trying to help people. I believe she means what she says about
    wanting to serve and represent everyone in the community. That’s why I am supporting her.
    I encourage everyone to do your research before just filling in the dots for the next group of elected officials. The
    stakes are too high and important and the lives of our children, strength and health of our communities depend on us
    fulfilling our responsibility as voting citizens and residents. People died for us to have the right to vote. Don’t just throw
    that right away by being lazy or careless!

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