August 26, 2013
Phil Reason, Director of Organizing, Boston Workers Alliance
(617) 606-3580, phil@bostonworkersalliance.org
Chuck Wynder, Jr., Executive Director, Boston Workers Alliance
(617) 238-5751, chuck@bostonworkersalliance.org
BOSTON — The Boston Workers Alliance, Inc. has issued a clarion call for a mobilization in Boston on the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington. A coalition of neighborhood organizations, base building community organizing groups, labor unions, civil rights organizations, and faith communities will gather to mark “re-remember, re-imagine, and relive the March for our times.
We are holding Boston’s Unfinished March for Jobs, Freedom & Justice on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 at 4:30 on the Boston Common.
With the recent tragic verdict in the Zimmerman case, and the loss of the Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, we feel called to organize and mobilize to address the continued devaluing of Black people, Black bodies, and Black political and economic interests. The recent developments remind us that many of us are still vulnerable to violence at the hands of police and citizens who wrongfully believe that they have the power to track police and violate the dignity of Black people. Equally important is our call to respect the rights and dignity of immigrants seeking their full human rights. High unemployment and underemployment of Black and Brown people remains persistent, structural and unaddressed.
Fifty years ago the movement connected these issues with the March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom. It is time for us to look anew at the significance of the moment because of the Fierce Urgency of Now.
What: Boston’s Unfinished March for Jobs, Freedom & Justice
Where: Boston Common (intersection of Beacon St and Park Street across from State House)
Co-sponsored by: Right to the City Alliance, Right to the City VOTE, Community Labor United, Greater Boston Labor Council, SEIU 32BJ District 615, Rosie’s Place, New England Regional Council of Carpenters, International Action Center, Boston Teachers Union, City Life/Vida Urbana, Mass AFL-CIO, Chinese Progressive Association, New England United for Justice, Dorchester People for Peace, Coalition to Fund Our Communities/ Cut Military Spending 25%, Boston Carmen’s Union Local 589, International Union of Painters & Allied Trades DC35, 1199SEIU, UNITE HERE Local 26
Lisette Le
Right to the City VOTE!
Field Coordinator
E: Lisette.RTCVOTEBoston@gmail.com
T(W): 617-903-0175