Boston Wrong: Rev. Mark Scott “Black leaders support of Carlos Henriquez a disgraceful turn”

EDITOR’S NOTE: I want us to take a look at this political hit piece.  Talks about Black Leadership… is this a Black Leader?? If so where are we going? Condemns people for not speaking out against Henriquez and he himself said nothing until the DAY AFTER.  Of course the Herald was all too eager to publish this overblown condemnation of “Black Leadership”
This is the first up close spotlight for Rev. Scott. Kudos.


1 thought on “Boston Wrong: Rev. Mark Scott “Black leaders support of Carlos Henriquez a disgraceful turn””

  1. Anyone who has an opinion other than your own or speaks out agaisnt one of your hommies you must attack..when you attack a person instead of responding to what was said they call that a fallacy Mr.Crawford

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