DOJ Ferguson Report: Please Come To Boston

Department of Justice Releases Scathing Report on Ferguson

As much of the world is shocked and amazed at the revelations detailed in the Department of Justice’s report on Ferguson.  For those who have been organizing against police brutality and calling for accountability, it was not so surprising.

The time is now. Join the demand that the Department of Justice come to Boston to investigate and help reform the Boston Police Department.

As in Ferguson, so in Boston. While Boston, due to population and demographic differences, may not see the drastic percentages highlighting such stark disparities, we will see similar patterns in racial profiling, arrests, warrants, court fees, convictions and sentencing which all keep the machine well oiled.  We will also see the sentiments of police officers within the department which is very hostile towards Blacks, Latinos and Muslims.  In fact there have been many cases which highlights that even Black, Latino and Female officers are not exempt from the abuse of the white-male “Good Ole Boys” network. The very same culture that exists in Ferguson exists in Boston, with case after publicized case to prove it.

Law Enforcement agencies in general, and Police departments specifically have deep rooted problems and have been totally permeated with racism and racial bias.  There is not one Police Department in this country in a city or town that is populated with Black & Latino people that does not have this problem.  Boston has for decades been known as “The most racist city in the nation”, it is foolish to think these problems don’t exist here.

Boston police have chalked up all sorts of disgraces from Mafia involvement, corruption, drug use/sales, drunk driving, domestic violence, prostitution, sexual assault, shooting fellow officers, car jacking, multiple racist incidents, police brutality and the killing of civilians. That’s quite a rap sheet for a Police department and city that has repeatedly try to downplay its problems.

The time is now. Join the demand that the Department of Justice come to Boston to investigate and help reform the Boston Police Department.

Click here for Full DOJ Ferguson Report

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