Boycott Alert: Causeways Restaurant and Bar called out for Racist Comments

We recieved this tip and the accompyanying screen shots from an alert Blackstoinan reader.

Co-owner of Causeway Restaurant and Bar post racially insensitive meme, employee calls killing of Black people ‘Population Control’

Tim McCasland, Co-owner of Causeway Restaurant and Bar located near the TD Garden posted the familiar Willy Wonka Meme with the text “You’re being treated poorly by police? Have you tried not breaking the law to see if that helps?”  Anybody that’s remotely aware of what’s going on around them knows that Black and Latino people have significantly more negative interactions with law enforcement than whites, regardless of whether or not they are breaking the law (See the ACLU report about the racist stop and frisk policies in Boston Here.)  After being confronted about how problematic it was to post something like that, given the political climate in Baltimore and other cities across the US, his response was a typical racist one, ranging from the ever popular, “I have a black friend” to  “Stop being an angry black woman.” As if it couldn’t get any more problematic, Causeways employee, Shannon Thomas, went on to explain away police brutality by claiming that it was simply, “#populationcontrol.”

We CANNOT continue to support businesses that don’t value Black Lives.

We cannot continue to let racist ideology go unchallenged. These same “opinions” are what allow systemic racism to go unchecked and create the conditions that allow for Black and Brown people to be considered dispensable.

Call Causeway and let them know that #blacklivesmatter

65 Causeway St
Boston, MA
(617) 227-9100

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