The Archie Bunker Award: Stephen Donnelly

Sometimes we have to give out an impromptu award, thanks to the internet, facebook and the amazing things people say.

Please meet our latest recipient of the prestigious Archie Bunker Award for forward thought and intellekchewalism.

prompted by the Boston Herald 7/3/2015 article:
Police study Marty Walsh’s neighborhood security

Comment section:

Stephen Donnelly ·  Top Commenter · Northeastern University

Get the Boston Fire dept down there to hose all the black filth off the sidewalks and streets.

Jamarhl Crawford · Chief Executive Officer at Prophecy Communications

Black filth? Really?

Stephen Donnelly ·  Top Commenter · Northeastern University

Jamarhl Crawford Yeah – REALLY!

FB profile:

So here’s to you Stephen Donnelly!!!

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