Community Recommendations for Boston Police
Issues to be addressed:
- Administrative department-wide directive and focus on training with a special emphasis on street patrol and gang task force officers to acknowledge and re-commit duty to adhere to current policy and law
- BPD’s historic defensive stance, denial and reluctance to address a pattern, culture and evidenced mindset within the BPD; and continued dismissal of community critique, experiences and numerous public scandals.
- Exposure of undercurrent of antagonistic behavior and tactics including; taunting, provoking, disrespect and racially coded banter to black and brown residents, particularly Black & Latino males.
- Use of random stops to escalate and interrogate confirming ACLU “Black, Brown and Targeted” (2014) and other previously disputed studies
- Increased transparency in internal affairs and follow through in disciplinary process
- Enhance and strengthen the CO-OP (Community Ombudsman Oversight Panel)
- Establish a Civilian Review Board
- Charge and empower the Social Justice Task Force to include new members and to develop and implement a meaningful plan for achieving social and racial justice.