February 25, 2025

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Are the Worrell Brothers the new Bolling Brothers?

Since the most recent election cycles Black Boston has some new inductees into the echelons of Black Boston political power. As a lifelong Blackstonian and somewhat of a history buff I couldn’t help but notice something we haven’t seen in a long time….

Brian Worrell
Chris Worrell

In 2021 Brian Worrell won a seat for Boston City Council and is currently the District 4 Boston City Councillor.

Just a few weeks ago (9/22) Christopher Worrell won the Democratic primary for State Representative and will be the 5th Suffolk State Representative.

Not since the Bolling brothers have we had a City Councillor and State Representative from the same family.

Royal L. Bolling, Jr.
Bruce Bolling

Bruce Bolling was a legendary City Councillor (1981-1992) and first Black City Council President (1986-1987). The Bolling Building in Nubian Sq. is named in his honor.
Royal L. Bolling, Jr was a State Representative for the 15th Suffolk District from 1973-1986.

What this means remains to be seen. Both Worrells are young and new to elected office and we will see what they are able to achieve based on policy. The Blackstonian wishes the Worrell Brothers well and looks forward to their service and advocacy for our community.

About The Author

The Blackstonian Community News Service - Black Boston 411 24/7. @Blackstonian on twitter. Like our page on Facebook.

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