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Red, Black & Green (RBG) Flag Raising – Feb. 1 Boston City Hall Plaza

RSVP via facebook:

The Flag will be raised at 12 noon sharp. Dress appropriately for weather. Raising the flag should take 5 minutes.
Immediately after flag is raised, we will proceed inside City Hall lobby for a short program.
Those who wish to purchase RBG flags $5 or lapel pins $3 in support of the event please inbox me.

We raise the Red, Black & Green Flag in Boston in honor of Black History, Black Nationalism, Pan-Afrikanism and its creator Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey.

For February Black History Month we especially pay tribute to:

* Feb. 1, 1926 Carter G. Woodson “The Father of Black History” initiated the first celebration of “Negro History Week”.
* Feb. 1, 1976 expanded to “Black History Month”
* Rosa Parks born Feb. 4, 1913
* NAACP founded Feb. 12, 1909
* Frederick Douglass born Feb. 14, 1817 died Feb. 20, 1895
* Huey Newton born Feb. 17, 1942
* Malcolm X assassinated Feb. 21, 1965
* WEB DuBois born Feb. 23, 1868
* 15th Amendment Right to Vote
passed Feb. 26, 1869 ratified Feb. 3, 1870

Note: Black History Month was recently renamed by US Pres. Donald Trump “National African American History Month” How’s that grab you?? (no pun intended)


About The Author

The Blackstonian Community News Service - Black Boston 411 24/7. @Blackstonian on twitter. Like our page on Facebook.

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