October 18, 2024

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Conversation with The Family of Burrell “Bo” Ramsey (8/16/20)


Boston Police shot and killed 26-year-old Burrell “Bo” Ramsey of Yarmouth Street a block from his Tent City home on August 21, 2012.

There is a myth that “It doesn’t happen in Boston” & “Thank God we are not Chicago, NY, LA, etc.”

These are vicious lies that not only excuse the BPD from wrong doing but are also disrespectful to the families who have suffered the loss of a loved one at the hands of the BPD.

Often times many local activists focus on national cases and very seldom refer to cases right here at home.

Beginning in August, The Blackstonian and Mass Police Reform began a series of conversations with the Families of those who were shot & killed by the Boston Police. #SAYTHEIRNAMES

Learn more about how to support Bo’s Legacy

About The Author

Jake is an artist / graphic and web designer.

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