Join us on Thursday, February 16th, at Middlesex Community College for A LOWELL COMMUNITY FORUM: Should there be a three-strikes law in Massachusetts?
At a time when there are cutbacks in local aid, mental health services and education, Governor Deval Patrick wants to be “smart on crime.” Will the proposed controversial three-strikes bills now in conference committee in our Legislature make us safer and be cost-effective or drive us down the road to greater costs and more over-crowding in our prisons?
A group of legal experts, activists and scholars will come together for what promises to be an engaging evening where you can listen, ask questions and learn about this critical issue now being decided in Massachusetts. Confirmed panelists for the Discussion and Question and Answer Session include:
· Kathleen Dennehy, former commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Correction
· Barbara Dougan, Massachusetts Project Director, Families Against Mandatory Minimums
· Member/s of EPOCA, Ex-prisoners and Prisoners Organizing for Community Advancement.
· Peyton Paxson, Professor of Criminal Justice, Middlesex Community College
· Tatum Pritchard, Attorney, Prisoners’ Legal Services
· Ben Thompson, Executive Director, Criminal Justice Policy Coalition, Massachusetts
Mark your calendars for Thursday, Feb. 16th, 7-9pm at MCC’s City Campus, Lowell Federal Building, Assembly Room, 50 Kearney Square, Lowell 01852
For Info for the event contact: Jean Trounstine, [email protected] (978)656-3121