Atty. General Eric Holder is in Boston today being honoredalong with Blackstonian GiantsSen. Edward Brook ...
Eric Holder in Boston Today 3/10
Eric Holder in Boston Today 3/10
Ray Allen Delivers a New Computer Lab to Students
Ray Allen Delivers a New Computer Lab to Students
TODAY!!! “THE ATTACK ON BLACK LEADERSHIP” Forum Sun. March 6th Hibernian Hall 5-8pm
TODAY!!! “THE ATTACK ON BLACK LEADERSHIP” Forum Sun. March 6th Hibernian Hall 5-8pm
Landing her role model’s role Latoyia Edwards follows Boston icon Liz Walker to the anchor desk
Landing her role model’s role Latoyia Edwards follows Boston icon Liz Walker to the anchor desk
All Panelists Confirmed!! “THE ATTACK ON BLACK LEADERSHIP” Forum Sun. March 6th Hibernian Hall 5-8pm
All Panelists Confirmed!! “THE ATTACK ON BLACK LEADERSHIP” Forum Sun. March 6th Hibernian Hall 5-8pm
White power group postpones Worcester library meet
White power group postpones Worcester library meet
Community Education Forum TONITE! 5:30 PM
Community Education Forum TONITE! 5:30 PM
Community Tribute to Dianne Wilkerson Thurs Feb. 24
Community Tribute to Dianne Wilkerson Thurs Feb. 24
Boston Talks Race: The Conversation Continues Fri. March 4th
Boston Talks Race: The Conversation Continues Fri. March 4th