Features, Focus on Diversity, Justice, Police, Crime, Law and Public Safety, News
More Diversity Sought for Boston Fire Dept.
Salih Rowe of the Boston Society of Vulcans and Sophia Hall of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Economic
Features, Focus on Diversity, Justice, Police, Crime, Law and Public Safety, News, Politics
Focus on Diversity: 90% of Boston’s New Firefighters and 75% Boston’s New Police are White
Boston is a in a “majority-minority” city, where 56% of residents are people of color and while Diversity has increased since
Blackstonian TV, Focus on Diversity, News, Organize The Hood, Politics, Youth
VIDEO: Jamarhl Crawford On Politics & Grits pt. II (Boston Praise Radio)
VIDEO: Jamarhl Crawford On Politics & Grits pt. II (Boston Praise Radio)
Blackstonian TV, Focus on Diversity, News, Organize The Hood, Politics, Youth
VIDEO: Jamarhl Crawford On Politics & Grits (Boston Praise Radio)
Politics & Grits Discussion from Monday December 14, 2015
Features, Focus on Diversity, News, Organize The Hood, Politics, Reports, PDF's & Downloads
City of Boston 2015 Diversity Chart (Walsh Administration)
Diversity in the City of Boston 2015 under the Walsh Administration
Community Spotlight, Economy & Business, Focus on Diversity, News, Organize The Hood, Politics, Reports, PDF's & Downloads
Boston Re:Construction – The Illusion of Inclusion
Boston’s latest construction boom reveals harsh realities neighborhoods of color have been painfully aware of for some time
Community, Community Spotlight, Economy & Business, Events, Focus on Diversity, News, Organize The Hood, Politics, Youth
Community, Community Spotlight, Economy & Business, Focus on Diversity, News, Organize The Hood, Politics, Reports, PDF's & Downloads
City of Boston Releases 2015 Workforce Report
to examine the racial and gender makeup of Boston’s municipal employee base
Focus on Diversity, Focus on Law Enforcement, Justice, Police, Crime, Law and Public Safety, News, Organize The Hood, Youth
Commissioner Evans Responds To Diversity Statements
The exam system and the process is broken, not the diversity in the city.