DOING GOOD IN THE HOOD!!! Family in need!!!



Please read the below story which was a letter submitted to a local Boston holiday sweepstakes giveaway from Ayanna, a Mother of 6 who is currently in need. This was sent to me by Darrin Howell.
For information on how you can help this family please call Darrin at 617-785-2802…
drop offs will be at MAMLEO 61 Columbia Rd. (Corner of Seaver St./Columbia Rd.)
Needed: Beds, Bedding, Gifts for children, Money, Food, etc.

Read the letter below and see the Channel 5 News Story
Mold Forces Family Out Of Their Home – Video – WCVB Boston


My name is Ayanna O’Brien and yes I am a single mother.  Actually a single mother of six.  My children are 21, 15, 14, 10, 8 and 2 years of age.  I know you have received many letters and I understand that the decision process must be very hard for you. I am also sure that there are a lot of deserving moms out there but if I could just have a couple of minutes of your time to explain to you what this blessing could do for me and my children during this holiday time.

I sort of want to start from the beginning and just let you know that I have always worked since the age of 15.  I must say that on one occasion while I was sick I did reach out for help to the welfare office.  I received assistance for six months and then went back to work and asked to have my assistance stopped.  My children’s father was a very abusive alcoholic but I tried my best to hide the bruises and tears as much as possible from my children.  I finally got fed up with it and after begging him to stop repeatedly, I left.  Even though it was hard I was still able to give my children the necessities that they needed.  Although I had saved money for my family, unfortunately, he ended up cleaning my bank account completely out.  All I could do was cry.  I had no money for rent, for food or even just odds and ends.

I have been trying to hang on to my store that I worked so hard to maintain, but I no longer can.  Tomorrow I must move from a mold infested home because my child was hospitalized in the intensive care unit for a week. We cannot take any furniture with us because the State Health Department will be here to force us out.  I have no money for a truck nor do I have any help to pay for one.  I must move back into a neighborhood that I left to give my six children a better life.  Here it is a couple of days before Christmas and I still have no Christmas tree, no presents and barely any hope.

The one thing that I do have is my belief in Jesus and even though I have been praying constantly, I am just not sure how to get my children at least one gift.  Don’t get me wrong, there are many children out there just like mine…hoping to get what they want for Christmas. But Jarvis the only things that my children asked me for were beds to sleep in, a tv to watch and a Christmas tree.  So, for only the second time since I became a mother, I am asking someone for help.  Please consider me and my family for your holiday sweepstakes, if not, we would still like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.

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