January 16, 2025

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Rumor Mill: Government urged Cinelli release to reward “Cooperation”

cinelli maguire
Rumor Mill: Government urged Cinelli release to reward “Cooperation”

The Blackstonian has heard from numerous anonymous sources that Government forces urged the release of Dominic Cinelli who was paroled and later killed Woburn Police Officer John Maguire. These reports are unconfirmed at this time. We have heard that the Parole Board did not intend on releasing Cinelli and were urged to do so by “the government” because of Cinelli’s cooperation with Law Enforcement officials on other matters. It is unclear at this time which branch of government would have intervened on behalf of Cinelli. If Cinelli provided information in active investigations and cases then it would have to be either Federal or State prosecutors/agents. If Cinelli provided information internally within the prison system then it would have to be Department of Correction officials. The Blackstonian is working to confirm these allegations and investigate who and in what capacity intervened on Cinelli’s behalf for Parole. If this story pans out, it exonerates the Parole Board which was subsequently dismantled after public outcry and media scrutiny.

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The Blackstonian Community News Service - Black Boston 411 24/7. @Blackstonian on twitter. Like our page on Facebook.

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  1. Melissa's Bill

    If the law had prevented him from ever being released in the first place, no one could have promised him anything for favors. Cinelli had 74 convictions, mostly for violent felonies, including 3 life sentences. He is exactly the kind of career criminal who is beyond “rehabilitation” and who should never be released. Thank you for making an arguement for the 3 strikes bill.

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