VIDEO: Drugs in School Zone Proximity 1000 ft? 500ft? 100ft?

drug free school zone

VIDEO: Drugs in School Zone Proximity 1000 ft? 500ft? 100ft?

As the 3 Strikes debate continues one of the key factors is a proposed reduction in the School Zone Drug Laws.
Currently you will be charged with Drugs in School Zone violation if you are within 1000 ft of a School Zone. Proposed reductions would change the School Zone from 1000 ft to 500 ft. Gov. Deval Patrick has gone on record saying that his initial proposal called for a reduction from 1000 ft to 100 ft.

In this video the Blackstonian conducts our own proximity study of two common schools and areas in Roxbury to show that most residential areas in the inner city are often 50 ft and less from a school zone as opposed to suburban schools which are often set on campuses and far away from residential housing.

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