Jamarhl Crawford, Richard Taylor on Greater Boston w/Emily Rooney
June 7, 2012
How will a pair of developments re-shape Roxbury?
Roxbury Revitalization
Dudley Square is about to get a drastic makeover thanks to a $95 million plan to construct a hotel, retail space, and residential properties along Melnea Cass Boulevard. But in Roxbury, excitement about the project is mixed with a healthy dose of skepticism.
Jamarhl is right! It always sounds beautiful in the “selling” stage. And when it’s over, the residents of the Dudley area will be left with very few of these jobs. South Bay is a great example, right down the street from the proposed development.
Boston needs real leadership who will shoot straight with the residents and make decisions in our best interests.
-Will Dorcena for Boston Mayor 2013