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Yancey investigates Boston’s personnel practices and contracting policies 12/18

Charles Yancey

The Environment & Human Rights committee public hearing has been rescheduled for Tuesday, December 18th at 3:00 PM to be held in the Iannella Chambers on the fifth floor of the Boston City Hall. You will be asked to testify on Docket #1341.

Charles C. Yancey
Charles Yancey
Boston City Councillor
Press Release
Contact: Kenneth Yarbrough – Chief Information Officer
(617) 635-3131 Fax (617) 635-3067 Page (617) 461-5548

For Immediate Release Friday, December 14, 2012

Yancey investigates Boston’s personnel practices and contracting policies

Boston City Hall (December 14, 2012) – The Boston City Council’s Committee on Environment & Human Rights will hold a public hearing to investigate the personnel practices and contracting policies of the City of Boston on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 3:00 PM in the Iannella Chambers on the fifth floor of Boston City Hall.

Councillor Yancey, chair of the Committee on Environment & Human Rights, said the racial make-up of many city departments fails to reflect the true diversity of Boston’s rich and multi-ethnic population. Such disparities in Boston reveal that Asians, Latinos, and African Americans may have less access to health care, credit and capital, and higher level employment in the City of Boston.

People of Color suffer from higher poverty rates, higher incarceration rates, and poorer educational outcomes. They also have less access to wealth, goods, services, and opportunities.

The United States 2010 Census shows People of Color makeup 53 percent of Boston’s population. Yet, 100 percent of Boston’s Police captains, commanding each police district, are White. In fact, 87.1 percent of the 62 Boston Police Department employees earning over $100,000 annually are White; 9.7 percent are Black, 1.6 percent are Asian, and 1.6 percent are Latino.

Friday’s hearing will also provide the Menino Administration with opportunity to discuss Boston’s contracting policies and whether or not disparities exist when it comes to the bidding and attaining process of contracts in the City of Boston.

“Disparities in hiring, terminations, promotions and contracting may contribute to the higher unemployment rates and lack of professional advancement for many residents of the City of Boston,” Yancey said.

Councillor Yancey can be reached at (617) 635-3131, or [email protected].


One City Hall Square • Boston • Massachusetts • 02201 (617) 635-3131

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The Blackstonian Community News Service - Black Boston 411 24/7. @Blackstonian on twitter. Like our page on Facebook.

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  1. jshore

    So what transpired? I see a lot of municipal services covered but the Boston Public Schools, which is under a court order, wasn’t mentioned. UP Academy Horace Mann In-District Charter School interviewed 4,100 teachers last summer for 60 positions. Of those 4,100 people, UP only hired 8 African Americans, 4 Latino’s, 2 asian teachers! And everyone is under 35 years of age!

    Even after this flagrant injustice, UP Academy is being allowed to take over the Marshall School and is even charging the BPS $500,000 to “manage” UP Dorchester, 1 school! The City of Boston doesn’t pay Dr. Johnson that, and she manages 128 schools! Will history repeat itself? Who is going to see that this injustice doesn’t continue?

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