…fortifying and improving the basic unit of civilization, the family.
On SATURDAY, MARCH 9th, 2013, The Boston Society of Vulcans and 9 Alarms Entertainment (Firefighters of Color) will be producing and hosting the SIXTH installment of the FACING LOVE community event at Hibernian Hall from 1pm to 7pm. We are proud the partner with Twins and Friends, Delta Sigma Theta BAE, United Sistas of Color, Diamond Educators, K.I.Q. Tours, 30+, Muhammad’s Mosque #11, Boston Branch NAACP, Miss Black Massachusetts as official sponsors.
FACING LOVE is a TV talk show-style symposium that focuses on the dynamics and intricacies of Black/Latino male and female relationships. Our goal is to strengthen lines of communication and empathetic perceptions between the genders, thus fortifying the family unit and the overall community. Facing Love works to elevate the number of marriages that occur between men and women of the Black/ Latino community, as most social data indicates integrity of the family unit leads to better quality of life. Facing Love also explores the affects of LOVE (or lack thereof) on our community.
Each of our symposium’s revolve around a central theme. Facing Love VI’s conversation will penetrate how HAIR CARE and IMAGE has contributed to the dysfunction in the Black/Latino community in a discussion dubbed BLACK HAIR: The NATURAL Debate. We have enlisted the assistance of Jessyca Abena Marshall, Owner and Founder of Naturally Beautiful Hair Care, Darrius Peace, Author of “My Hair Ain’t Nappy” and Nancy V Brown of NV Hair Salon to add expertise to that discourse.
We are absolutely elated to welcome our featured guests, Neo-Soul/R&B icons and married couple KINDRED THE FAMILY SOUL. Kindred enjoys inter-national popularity and their presence at FL VI is not only aesthetic…but functional. Their particular brand of therapeutic and instructional musical message could not be more complimentary to Facing Love’s doctrine. With that, they are more than deserving of the Oraka Award, the acknowledgement we bestow on one emblematic couple per year.
As much of a breakthrough event as Facing Love V was, this upcoming iteration will undoubtedly propel our modest symposium to stratospheric proportions.
We are committed to presenting a memorable, informational and engaging experience…one that will beckon placement into the annuls of history. Such events come few and far between in Boston. Take ACTION, the greatest form of love, in being on hand to witness FACING LOVE VI come to fruition.