Will Dorcena out; 15 left for Mayor of Boston

Will Dorcena out; 15 left for Mayor of Boston

Andy Ryan of the Boston Globe first tweeted about Will Dorcena coming up shy of the 3,000 signature mark per the Boston Elections Department. Dorcena disputed the reported number of 2,131 signatures gathered saying he submitted “hundreds more” to both Ryan of the Globe and David Bernstein, Boston Magazine columnist.

Dorcena released the following statement via his facebook account:


To my supporters and friends:

Thank you for all the love and support you showed me during my campaign for Boston Mayor. From the start, I set out to do one thing – speak the truth to the people of Boston. Too many folks in our city are kept in the dark about serious decisions being made everyday that impact their lives. Real leadership means taking a stand for those who cannot stand for themselves. With so many backrooms deals cut by the powerful and connected, the silent majority are the ones who pay the price.

It has been my dream and passion – for my entire adult life – to serve as Boston’s Mayor and fight for the people. Many of you wondered why I have not been hitting the streets campaigning. While I’m an intensely private person, I want to give you some insight into my campaign.

Shortly after announcing my candidacy for Mayor in early 2012, my son was born. The excitement of a new baby quickly turned to worry and numerous doctor visits. This past year has been extremely challenging for my family, as my son’s ongoing health issues have dominated our lives. As a father, it has been difficult for me to give my campaign the focus and attention it deserves. My first priority has always been and will continue to be my family.

While the timing isn’t for me now, know this – it’s not over. The next chapter is yet to be written. I will be back in the fight.

William J. Dorcena