Boston Mayor’s Race: The 12 Tribes

Boston Mayor’s Race: The 12 Tribes

As of the latest reports from Universal Hub (via Don “the Szak” Saklad) the Boston Mayor’s race has now been thinned to 12. Our last report still had 15, so an additional 3 did not make the signature threshold by the last unofficial count of the Boston Elections Department.

Here is what the Boston Mayor’s Race is looking like now with the final 12 contenders, what we are calling the 12 Tribes.

Boston Mayor 2013 - 12 tribes

Just in case you missed it here is the original 16 with the 4 candidates who didn’t make the signature threshold noted by X.

Boston Mayor 2013 - 12 left

Lastly, here is a breakdown of the final 12 candidates with a view of candidates of color vs. their white colleagues.

Boston Mayor 2013 - final 12 black white

2 thoughts on “Boston Mayor’s Race: The 12 Tribes”

  1. FYI – I stepped out of the race. Very different from not meeting signature threshold.

  2. If the local press reports were incorrect and the Dorcena Mayoral campaign in fact surpassed the 3,000 signature threshold please provide us the information so we can feature this.

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