#MattapanStrong: United Sisters of Color Run for Mery Daniel!

mattapan strong

#MattapanStrong: United Sisters of Color Run for Mery Daniel!


Mery Daniel, 31 years-old, wife, mother and she is a marathon bombing survivor!  On April 15th the bomb heard around the world sent shrapnel through her right calf and leaving her left leg to be amputated.  Before the bombing Meryl lived in Mattapan (but is now living in a hotel next to her rehab facility), graduated from Brockton High, UMASS and on her way to becoming a doctor. Her private life has kept her away from any crowdfunding so her mounting medical bills are becoming a huge burden on the family.

“Six weeks of surgery and hospital rooms and the slow grind of rehabilitation, six weeks in which she saw her terrified 5-year-old daughter just three times. Six weeks since the remarkably driven Daniel — a Haitian immigrant who propelled herself from ESL to honors classes to medical school — was jolted off the course she had set for herself.” – Boston Globe

Lets come together for this benefit run to help our neighbor!  ALL proceeds will go directly to the Daniel family.

Run Details:   This benefit run will take place at the Franklin Park Golf Course.  The course is approximately 2.5 miles around.  You can walk if you are not comfortable with running.  We will meet at the Clubhouse parking lot.

Please share this on Facebook and on Twitter using the hashtag #Run4Mery



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