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Chris Faraone examines Mayoral campaign fund sources in JP Gazette



Chris Faraone examines at Mayoral campaign fund sources in JP Gazette

Politics as Unusual: Look who’s filling the mayoral campaign war chests
June 12, 2013 | Jamaica Plain Gazette
By Chris Faraone

It’s both sad and typical that candidates with fat pockets are always considered frontrunners, both in the current sprint for Boston City Hall and in any other race. More often than not, those sitting on the tallest money piles are the most likely to do damage in the name of despicable private interests, from major mortgage lenders, to polluters and defense contractors. Take, for example, virtually every Republican in the House of Representatives, not to mention an alarming number of Democrats. – See more at: http://jamaicaplaingazette.com/2013/06/12/look-whos-filling-the-mayoral-campaign-war-chests/#sthash.qHeJxXhD.dpuf

Full Story Here: http://jamaicaplaingazette.com/2013/06/12/look-whos-filling-the-mayoral-campaign-war-chests/

Chris Faraone is a former Boston Phoenix reporter and author of “99 Nights with the 99 Percent” and the upcoming “I Killed Breitbart” (ow.ly/lY9gS). He lives in Jamaica Plain.

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