BPD Crime Stats: Shootings, Arrests Remain at Steady Rate But Far More Deadly Than Last Year

According to recent figures released by the BPD, while the overall number of shootings is just slightly up with 23 shootings as of February 24 in 2014, one more than in the same period last year, they have been more deadly claiming more than 3 times as many lives with 10 shooting homicides so far in 2014.

At the same time the number of firearms related arrests has remained steady, up 4% (2 arrests) which is about the same as the increase in shootings 4.5% (1 shooting) over the same time period. While there have not been more arrests they have been more publicized with the BPD News new feature “One Less Gun” on their website highlighting the latest weapons arrests and seizures.


From BPD News:
Shootings Data
Firearm Related Arrests Data

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