January 20, 2025

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Tommy Nee Dethroned As Police Union Head

Longtime President of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association Tommy Nee was defeated Tuesday December 9th by Officer Pat Rose.  The vote was 897 to 242 with approximately 75% turnout by officers eligible to vote.  Nee was a very controversial figure and had many famous fights with Mayor Menino, various BPD Commissioners and the community at large.  As the President of the BPPA, Nee also was at the helm of the very controversial union newspaper The Pax Centurion, and has attacked just about everybody, along with his partner in crime James Carnell, another infamous union figure.  Nee also endured tragedy when his son unfortunately got caught in a school massacre plot and years later committed suicide.  (The Blackstonian would in no way make light of the death of a child.)

It is our hope that the BPPA under the new Presidency of Pat Rose will reel in its rhetoric via The Pax Centurion and work towards closer relations with the community that the officers they represent serve.

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The Blackstonian Community News Service - Black Boston 411 24/7. @Blackstonian on twitter. Like our page on Facebook.

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