Questions for Boston Police Department regarding Officer Crossen incident

Questions for Boston Police Department

1. Is Officer Zachary A. Crossen’s Badge Number #1679? If so, why did he give Badge #1606? Is it true that Badges number #1630 was previously used to give false identifying information to citizens in the past? Is it true that Badge #1606 is now the number they use? If not, why would an Officer Zachary Crossen give a fake Badge number of #1606 when in fact Badge #1606 is Officer Zachary MacInnis? Was this an attempt for Officer Crossen to misidentify himself?

2. It was reported that the BPD met with “Black Community Leaders”? Please identify them.

3. What is the reason that Lt. McCarthy would reveal the victim’s full name as Keith Howard to the Boston Globe? Is it common or standard practice to release the full name of a citizen who has neither committed nor is suspected of a crime?

4. Lt. McCarthy also stated Keith is “known to police.” Please define this term.

5. Lt. McCarthy went on to say Keith is “known to police” in “Boston, Brockton, Brookline and Dedham.” Later, the article says “Antonio had previous minor charges in Norfolk and Suffolk counties, law enforcement officials said.” Did the BPD confer with other law enforcement agencies to obtain information on Keith Howard?

6. Does the BPD as common or standard practice conduct investigations of citizens who have not committed and are not accused of any crime?

7. Does the BPD as common or standard practice conduct investigations or record inquiries of citizens who have:
A) been the victims of racial profiling, improper stops or police harassment? B) issued complaints against officers? C) filmed officers? D) been in high profile viral videos involving police?

8. The BPD has stated the matter is being investigated. “The Police Department is looking into the incident” and “We are aware of the video and it is being reviewed to determine if any department rules were violated.” However, The Boston Police Department also stated that the officers in the video were “Simply doing their job.” Do these statements contradict each other? Do these statements indicate that the current investigation of the incident already has a predetermined conclusion?

9. Do any of the previous statements made by Lt. McCarthy in the press have the potential to sully the investigation of the incident?

10. Do any of the previous statements made by Lt. McCarthy in the press have the potential to harm the reputation or character of the victim of the harassment, impact employment or future employment opportunities?

11. Does the BPD as common or standard practice release criminal record or CORI information to the general public via the press of a citizen who has not committed and is not accused of any crime?

12. Does the BPD recognize that the release of the victim’s name to the general public could result in:
A) basic bullying/harassment B) potential violence C) retaliation from officers


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