October 18, 2024

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Urban League Convention; Sponsors, Employers record of Racism & Discrimination

Urban League Convention; Sponsors, Exhibitors, Employers record of Racism & Discrimination



Bank of Boston

Profited from the US Slave Trade, several discrimination lawsuits currently 2010 $60 million class action discrimination suit.

Horrible record of unfair wages for workers, discrimination against women & minorities, products from sweat shops, destabilizing local businesses/economy in urban environments.


Currently attempting to eliminate MLK Day and Veterans Day for their employees, beginning here in MA, then to expand to the East Coast and Nationally next.

Potential employers participating in the Job/Career fair:


Complicit in the murders of Martin Luther King, jr., Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton, Bunchy Carter. Admittedly used illegal tactics via CoIntelPro to infiltrate/destabilize black organizations and target black leaders, most notably the Black Power Movement, Civil Rights Movement, Black Panthers, Black Liberation Army, Republic of New Africa, UNIA, OAAU and Nation of Islam which led to the incarceration or assassination of some of our most prominent leaders.
See Video on CoIntelPro Here:
Ironically, according to Sen. Dianne Wilkerson, currently incarcerated in Federal Prison, Darnell Williams President of the local Urban League, was working with the FBI to undermine Black Leadership in Boston.

US Army

The United States Army has been used time and time again to enforce US foreign policy on non-cooperative Nations.  While Blacks have fought in every American war you can ask any Black Veteran about racism and discrimination in the armed services during their service and after their discharge. Black veterans still to this day have some of the most difficult times accessing benefits and health care despite their patriotism and service.
Military history of African Americans
Military Discrimination

Editor’s note:
Considering the horrible health issues of the Black Community, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high-blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. I would also suggest that McDonald’s might not be a proper sponsor for a major Black organization. In fairness, many Black organizations have been unable to resist the  dollars of the multi-Billion fast food giant.  Remember billions have been served.

Mc’Donald’s nutrition facts

The prevalence of obesity among African Americans is 51% higher than for whites, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A national medical journal study found that the prevalence of obesity is 26% for black girls ages 6 to 19, compared to 15% for white girls in the same age group. Also, 37% of black men are obese, compared to 32% of white men, and 7% of black men were extremely obese, compared to 4% of white men.

“The overabundance of fast food and the lack of access to healthier foods have increased the African American community’s vulnerability to food-related death and disease as compared to whites,” said Andrea Freeman, author of the California Law Review article “Fast Food: Oppression through Nutrition.”



About The Author

The Blackstonian Community News Service - Black Boston 411 24/7. @Blackstonian on twitter. Like our page on Facebook.

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