Fire Destroys Warren St. Building
A fire destroyed a Warren St. building which was in the process of being renovated.
Fundraiser for Cindy Diggs Fri. Jan. 18th
Come and join us as we raise funds for Cindy Diggs who suffered a tragic fire with her family on Christmas Eve. Cindy has dedicated herself to helping the City of Boston’s Youth through her efforts organizing Peace Boston as well as UMMF an effort to galvanize Boston’s Hip-Hop community.
HELP! Cindy Diggs holiday fire tragedy… Donate
Cindy Diggs of Peace Boston and UMMF (Us Making Moves Forever) unfortunately experienced a tragedy on the day before Christmas… Lets give back to someone who has given alot to the community.
Read more and do what you can…
Civil Service now accepting applications for 2012 Firefighters exam
Civil Service is now accepting applications for the 2012 Firefighters exam. This examination consists of two components: the written examination
Egleston Square blaze draws 75 jakes to scene
Egleston Square blaze draws 75 jakes to scene By O’Ryan Johnson | Friday, July 22, 2011 | | Local Coverage Photo by Rob