July 26, 2024

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Blackstonian 3 Strikes Edition Hits the Streets in Boston and Throughout MA

Yesterday the Blackstonian began distributing tens of thousands of copies of a special edition focusing on the proposed “3 Strikes” Habitual Offender Legislation. This special edition features commentary from, Prof. Charles Ogletree (Harvard), Prof. James Jennings (Tufts), NAACP / NEAC, ACLU of Mass, Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM), Coalition for Effective Public Safety (CEPS), Ben Thompson (CJPC), Sen. Will Brownsberger, Hon. Nancy Gertner, Former MA Corrections Comissioner Kathleen Dennehy, Aaron Tanaka of the Boston Workers Alliance (BWA), Prison Legal Services (PLS) as well as data, analysis, infographics, Comix from Inside, and contact information for local elected officals and concerned organizations.

Download Blackstonian 3 Strikes Edition as a PDF

Download MA Movement (Alternate Cover) 3 Strikes Edition as a PDF

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Today’s coverage In the Boston Herald:

Conferee: Three-strikes would likely affect as few as five people per year

Critics of the legislation, including the ACLU, Families Against Mandatory Minimums, Ex-Prisoners and Prisoners Organizing for Community Advancement, the NAACP and the Massachusetts Black and Latino Legislative Caucus, distributed a newspaper this week that urged voters to “Say No to ‘3 Strikes’ Law in Massachusetts.” The 12-page publication featured commentary from lawmakers and activists rejecting the proposal.


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The Blackstonian Community News Service - Black Boston 411 24/7. @Blackstonian on twitter. Like our page on Facebook.

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