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Mar. 30 racist comedian John Valby to perform Wilbur Theatre


On March 30th “comedian” John Valby aka “Dr. Dirty”, is scheduled to perform at the Wilbur Theatre in Boston’s theater district. Valby’s career has spanned decades and is famous for his brand of “humor” and its racist, sexist, anti-semetic, homophobic, obscene and vulgar content. He has rewritten famous songs like “Strangers In The Night” remaking it to “Niggers In The Night” and is well known for his own original improvisational nigger jokes. He frequently uses terms like nigger, coon, spook, jigaboo, to sold out crowds received with roars of laughter and applause. The only way in which Valby does not discriminate is in the fact that his racist attacks have something to offend all. He targets African Americans, Latinos, Asians, Jews, Muslims/Middle Easterners, Italians, Irish, Polish as well as the LGBT community. Valby consistently and viciously attacks race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality and gender.

Many elected officials in Boston have worked hard to move away from Boston’s turbulent and racially charged past. Many of these elected officials, from the State House to the City Council and the Mayor have touted “a new Boston”, one that highlights its diversity and promotes Boston as a cosmopolitan city welcoming all. The demographics of Boston have changed making it a majority so-called “minority” city and we have a wide range of people from every corner of the globe who work, raise families and attend universities in our city. It is unconscionable that in 2012, the Wilbur Theatre, in the heart of the theater district, a hub of Boston tourism, would find it appropriate to book an “artist” of Valby’s ilk. His “humor” is Archie Bunker-esque and is a throwback to the Boston of a not so distant yesterday that no right thinking person wants to return to.

Imagine this: A couple visiting Boston from Europe, Japan or Africa, visiting the theater district as tourists in our city, who, while looking for something to do one evening stumbles into the Wilbur Theatre for John Valby’s show, which has no publicized disclaimer or rating that would make you aware of the vicious hate speech that they would be subjected to if they attend. Is this the image of Boston we would want a visitor to take away?

Many proponents of free speech will rightly exclaim that John Valby has the right to say whatever he wants. Having the right to say something does not make what you’re saying right. In a free market society businesses have a right to choose whom they do business with and the public has a right to choose where they spend their dollars. Patronage of the Wilbur Theatre is a privilege bestowed by the public in good faith. The Wilbur Theatre should book acts responsibly and stay away from performers whose speech in any other setting could be constituted as hate speech and/or violates State discrimination laws.

We call upon the Wilbur Theatre to reconsider their decision. We call upon the Mayor of the City of Boston, Boston City Council and the Department of Arts and Tourism to publically condemn Valby’s scheduled performance. His brand of “comedy” has no place in the “new Boston”. As we are moving forward, Valby’s performance seeks to set us back to times best forgotten.

*JOHN VALBY BIO ——————————–

John Valby (born November 22, 1944 in Staten Island and raised in Rochester, New York) is a musician and comedian who plays in barrooms and college campuses up and down the East Coast. He has recorded over 40 albums. Using an old-fashioned piano, he creates comedic, obscene parodies of classic songs. He can always be found performing in his classic white tailcoat and black derby hat.
Valby lives up to his nickname “Dr. Dirty”. His songs and shows focus mainly on sex and racial slurs, with a mix of current and historic people and events.

Niggers In The Night

Leroy the Big Lipped Nigger

and more…



Press Release: John Valby – Wilbur Theatre

Contact: Andrew Mather (617) 248-9700
For Immediate Release:


Boston, MA- John Valby set to perform at The Wilbur Theatre on Friday, March 30, 2012 at 10:00pm

After spending an evening with John Valby, Audiences find themselves wanting more and more of him. What makes Valby so unique and entertaining is his uncommon rapport with the audience and his ability to mix his musical Talent with a mad-cap variety of “Dirty Ditties”. Few people can resist laughing at songs that would have earned them a mouthful of soap when they were children. Valby’s repertoire is composed of popular songs, limericks, classical arrangements and his own original creations. Valby has made a career out of poking fun at his audiences, stretching the limits of free speech and accepted good taste and satirizing current events from behind the piano. When he’s not playing and singing, he yells obscenities: the audience yells back and everyone has a good time. The best way to describe John Valby is to blend the following performers together, Allen Sherman, spike Jones, Lenny Bruce and Weird Al Yankovic all topped off with the Dirt of Redd Foxx, only better.

Mr. Valby wears a white tuxedo, derby and black bow tie, while supporting the grin of a Leprechaun. He sings a slew of “DIRTY” songs, complete with Fraternity references to Genitals & intercourse. Nothing and no one is sacred around Dr. Dirty, but he accomplishes his act with ease and finesse.” You have to look clean, and smile a lot; “Mr. Valby once remarked few entertainers have such a one-to-one relationship with there audience. He doesn’t target one group in particular. He smiles with them, laughs with them, jokes with them, and makes everyone laughs at themselves.

Mr. Valby has recorded & produced over 30 CD’s & Lp’s which bear such titles as: compact Dirt, Sit on a happy face, Give me Dirt or give me death, Operation F Iraq and many other titles that cannot be printed. He has also recorded clean material including a Christmas CD; and the non-Dirty Lily White and burnout Blues. He has worked on a number of other projects; including a multi-era Rock-roll cd by the Krakup quartet, some new age music, and believe it or not a children’s album. Mr. Valby resides in Western New York with his wife Anne & his five children. He continues to be the mainstay at comedy clubs, rock clubs, college campuses and basically wherever people like to LAUGH OUT LOUD.

Wilbur Theatre presents John Valby “Dr. Dirty”
Friday, March 30, 2012 at 10:00pm
The Wilbur Theatre is located at 246 Tremont St. in Boston’s historic Theatre District
Tickets: $17
To purchase tickets log on to ticketmaster.com
Or call Ticketmaster 1-800-745-3000
For more information on John Valby visit http://www.johnvalbynation.com/


About The Author

The Blackstonian Community News Service - Black Boston 411 24/7. @Blackstonian on twitter. Like our page on Facebook.

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  1. Bill Rowland

    John Valby is an American icon. If you are offended by him you need to go to the doctor and have him extract the stick from your ass.

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