Roxbury Businessman says farewell, leaves to 100% People of Color owned

Roxbury Businessman says farewell, leaves to 100% People of Color owned

Roxbury Businessman, Bob Romanow aka “Frugal McDoogal”, of Frugal Furniture, Frugal General Merchandise and Frugal Bookstore has sold all his interests in the above companies, leaving them 100% owned by people of color. Frugal Bookstore has been Black-Owned and Operated by Leonard & Clarrissa Egerton for some time, however Mr. Romanow still had ownership in the other two entities.

Here is his farewell to his employees and customers over the years.


My name is Bob Romanow

This past week, I was able to achieve one of my initial business goals of thirteen years ago by passing my business on to  people who had been my employees.  The Frugal Stores are now 100%  minority owned by wonderful people who have worked for the companies over  the last thirteen years.  I would like to thank  the community of Roxbury, my customers and employees for thirteen years of patronage and memories here at Frugal Furniture.

It has been my pleasure and honor to be  a businessman in this community attempting to give honest value and employment to many of you here in the inner city.

Frugal Furniture, Frugal General Merchandise , and Frugal Book Store were all attempts to build business in the inner city  by creating ownership and jobs for those who make their home here.  To the extent that it   worked can only be measured by the success that is enjoyed by these companies now and in the future.  Frugal Furniture and Frugal Book Store need the same support and more that I have enjoyed in the past.

I am very grateful to those in the community who believed in  me and in my stated purposes. Also, I am very grateful for the wonderful friends that have stood by me.  I hope I have justified your loyalty. Thank you very much.

– Bob Romanow
Inner City Business Ventures



1 thought on “Roxbury Businessman says farewell, leaves to 100% People of Color owned”

  1. Thank you, your consideration as your contribution to our community has well been appreciated. Few, if any have provided this opportunity of
    necessary products, for the length of time that you have.
    Peace and blessings,
    Sister Re

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